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CSE Online Trading
Trading Code: EXCH
News Title: Greetings Message
Honorable Investors, Good morning! Please make your investment decision based on Company fundamentals, technical analysis, price level and disclosed information. Avoid rumor-based speculations.
Trading Code: REGL
BSEC NEWS: Awareness Message for Investors
Investors are requested to consider the following facts at the time of making investment decision in the Capital Market: 1. Without acquiring proper knowledge, information and experience regarding different aspects and matters of Capital Market, one should not invest in the Capital Market. 2. The gain or loss, whichever comes from the investment, it belongs to you. So, well - thought of investment decision based on knowledge and fundamentals of the securities may be real assistance to you. (cont.)
Trading Code: NORTHERN
News Title: NORTHERN: Inspection of the factory premises and head office
A team of Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited (DSE) visited the factory premises on September 4, 2023 and head office on September 5, 2023 of Northern Jute Manufacturing Company Limited for inspection on their current operational status. The team could not enter into the factory premises of the company and could not perform the aforesaid inspection since the factory premises was fully closed. (cont.)
Trading Code: DULAMIACOT
News Title: DULAMIACOT: Inspection of the factory premises of the company
A team of Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited (DSE) visited the factory of Dulamia Cotton Spinning Mills Limited on September 24, 2023 for inspection on their current operational status. The team could not enter into the factory of the company and could not perform the aforesaid inspection since the factory was fully closed and sealed.
The management has decided to relocate the Mirpur Branch Office from
Plot # 32 (3rd floor), Main Road-1, Section-6, Block-Kha, Mirpur-10, Dhaka-1216
Sheltech Rubinur (Level-5), 115 Senpara, Parbata, Mirpur-10, Dhaka-1216.
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